This is a truly a great man. Will I am or William of the black eyed pees has a very impressive career. Check out the Will I am bio I got from wikipedia:
His real full name is William Adams. According to a christian magazine, he was born March 15, 1975. His stage name is currently but he was formerly called Will 1X (for the life of me, I haven't figured out what the one X stands for.) He is a Jamaican American and has been awarded both an Emmy and a Grammy, now that is impressive. His music is hip hop, he is a dancer, songwriter, rapper, voice talent, and the founding member and frontman for the BEP act. He now has his very own music label.
This guy is my idol. His hit songs are heard everywhere. He even helped John Legend co write the Ordinary People piece which is such a big hit. The Will I am bio will be continued next post.