Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Anatomy of a Rock Star

Once in your life, you have wished that instead of working on a 9 to 5 pace, you were a rock star. You daydreamed about having your own band, stood in front of your mirror, totting your imaginary guitar, lip singed in the shower, and dressed like a wasted hobo just to have that rock star feeling. We have all gone through that stage, until life slaps us in the face with bills to pay.

So not everyone is gifted with the talent, charisma, looks, and musical skills of a rock star, but that does not mean that you can’t feel like one. This is a free country you don’t have to necessarily be a member of Tom DeLonge Angels and Airwaves, or a member of Metallica just to feel like a rock star. You just have to exude that rock star appeal, and whether you have your own band or not, you can be a good specimen of a rocker.

Study the anatomy of a rock star and learn the ropes of being one.

  1. A rock star does not sleep but still looks in control – He may be sleep-deprived because of the concerts he has to play in, but the morning after, he could still manage to finish an interview or two. Even if he is tired of answering the same old silly questions from reporters, he would still try to come up with a decent (or not) enough answer that’s cool to be published on papers.

  2. A rock star is fashionable in his own shabby way. He tries to look like he does not care about images and appearances, but in reality, he does. But since he carries himself so confidently, we are made to believe that he just picks up whatever clothes are hanging on his closet. He can put on even the tackiest pieces of clothing, but Page 6 would still commend his style. If the press butchers his fashion sense, he would just brush off the comment and carry himself in style.

  3. A rock star does not need a stage to be a star. Wherever he goes, no matter who he is with, he will always be confident. This is what draws people to him.

  4. A rock star has skills. A true rock star can carry a tune but more than being able to sing or play an instrument, a rock star can move people with his music.

  5. A rock star does not care…about what other people would say. Love him or hate him, he would still be the same. Because he is confident about who he is, he is not swayed by what others say about his music, looks, fashion statement, or his views about the world. In a nutshell, he follows his bliss.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Francisco Cervelli – what he thinks about
People think about different things and so do major league hitters. They go out and try to do different things while they are on the batter’s box. However, Yankee catcher Francisco Cervelli has a new approach:

"I don't think offensively," Cervelli said. "I just go there and try to hit the ball, move the runners and whatever signs they put up, I just try to do that. The first thing for me is to catch and call the game. If I get three hits every time, that's better."

Yankees pitchers like CC Sabathia and Andy Pettitte have raved about their experiences throwing to Cervelli, notable this week after Posada and Joba Chamberlain clashed in Friday's 9-8 Yankees victory. A.J. Burnett said he had never worked with Cervelli before but liked what he saw on Sunday, when he hurled seven scoreless innings.

"I think it's just a matter of that we used everything today," Burnett said. "I don't know if it's the catcher, but we used curveballs and fastballs in good counts. They had no idea what was coming, and that's huge. If I'd miss with a hook, he'd call another one. We didn't stay in a pattern."

Pettitte has said that he has been impressed with Cervelli's outspoken nature on the bench and on the field, as he is unafraid to share his thoughts and opinions with pitchers during games.

"I think the key in this situation is that everybody here, the pitchers and the coaches, they give confidence," Cervelli said. "They say you can do it and trust you, and let me talk at the mound sometimes. I don't care if I'm young, if I have to go to the mound and say something, I have to."

Monday, June 8, 2009

Christian Bale – On bulking up and diets

Actors and actresses are always on the go and they always do what the roles want them to portray. There are a lot of things that they can do and one of these things are to bulk up and bulk down. These things are often ridiculed by Christian magazines, here is what Christian Bale thinks of this:

The bodybuilding and unbuilding you’ve done for your roles is alarming—the former all the more so for its being accomplished without any animal protein.
Actually, I’m in and out of the vegetarianism now. But yeah, the majority of the building up you’re talking about was done when I was still a vegetarian.

When did you fall off the wagon?
Just after I’d completed American Psycho [for which Bale, as the preening sociopath Patrick Bateman, got furiously ripped].

Dietary reasons? Or something to do with the character?
I was up in Toronto and went to see that movie Life Is Beautiful. By myself. And when I came out, I had a craving for blood unlike anything I had ever experienced since I decided to go vegetarian at the age of 7. It was a compulsion. It was undeniable. I went to several restaurants, one right after the other, and got the biggest, bloodiest steaks I could get my hands on. It was the first time I had tasted flesh in almost twenty years.

Life Is Beautiful.

That makes sense.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Adam Lambert – what are his options?

What are the options for Adam Lambert? After losing to Christian magazine supporter Kris Allen, what can he do? Here are some of the best suggestions from Rolling stone:

• Fill the vacant front man spot in Queen

Over the weekend,’s readers suggested Lambert would be the perfect candidate for Queen’s suddenly open job. Lambert did just that on last night’s finale, performing “We Are the Champions” with Brian May and Co. during what may have been a de facto audition. But Michael Slezak, Entertainment Weekly’s Idol writer, points to Chris Daughtry, who was courted by Fuel following his Idol dismissal four seasons ago, and says Lambert should take his own path. “The powers that be at 19 Entertainment and the labels that get first dibs on him are going to want to see him establish himself as a current, relevant recording artist, not a replacement on a reunion tour,” he says.

• Take on the task of reviving glitter rock

Lambert has already earned the title “glam-rock sex god” from our own Rob Sheffield, and Slezack thinks Adam is likely to embrace the sort of fist-pumping spandex-wrapped sound that grunge killed off in the early 1990s — the kind of music Constantine Maroulis currently sings in Broadway’s Rock of Ages. “There’s a lot of good vibes towards glam rock music from a certain segment of, say, 25- to 45-year-olds, who dig that sound and wouldn’t mind hearing it return to the radio,” Slezack says. “I think he has more in common with Cinderella and Winger and Mötley Crüe than Daughtry or Nickelback. He has more of a hair-metal vibe to his voice than he does with anything that’s happening in current rock radio.” MTV News Idol expert Jim Cantiello agrees: “I think the smartest thing for him to do is get into the studio and put out a crazy, funky glam rock album that we haven’t heard in decades, and go all out with it,” Cantiello says. “I think it would be cool if he put out a record that sounded like Brian Eno could have put it out.”