Monday, June 1, 2009

Adam Lambert – what are his options?

What are the options for Adam Lambert? After losing to Christian magazine supporter Kris Allen, what can he do? Here are some of the best suggestions from Rolling stone:

• Fill the vacant front man spot in Queen

Over the weekend,’s readers suggested Lambert would be the perfect candidate for Queen’s suddenly open job. Lambert did just that on last night’s finale, performing “We Are the Champions” with Brian May and Co. during what may have been a de facto audition. But Michael Slezak, Entertainment Weekly’s Idol writer, points to Chris Daughtry, who was courted by Fuel following his Idol dismissal four seasons ago, and says Lambert should take his own path. “The powers that be at 19 Entertainment and the labels that get first dibs on him are going to want to see him establish himself as a current, relevant recording artist, not a replacement on a reunion tour,” he says.

• Take on the task of reviving glitter rock

Lambert has already earned the title “glam-rock sex god” from our own Rob Sheffield, and Slezack thinks Adam is likely to embrace the sort of fist-pumping spandex-wrapped sound that grunge killed off in the early 1990s — the kind of music Constantine Maroulis currently sings in Broadway’s Rock of Ages. “There’s a lot of good vibes towards glam rock music from a certain segment of, say, 25- to 45-year-olds, who dig that sound and wouldn’t mind hearing it return to the radio,” Slezack says. “I think he has more in common with Cinderella and Winger and Mötley Crüe than Daughtry or Nickelback. He has more of a hair-metal vibe to his voice than he does with anything that’s happening in current rock radio.” MTV News Idol expert Jim Cantiello agrees: “I think the smartest thing for him to do is get into the studio and put out a crazy, funky glam rock album that we haven’t heard in decades, and go all out with it,” Cantiello says. “I think it would be cool if he put out a record that sounded like Brian Eno could have put it out.”


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