A lot of celebrities have turned vegan due to many reasons. Some do it to make a statement about their advocacy of animal rights while there are those who do it to simply lose weight. Either way, these celebrities are gaining a lot of benefits out of shoving animal meat off their diet and just munching on rabbit food to satisfy their hunger.
Avril Lavigne is just one of the most popular celebrities who have been very vocal about her vegan practices. It turned out that Avril does this to maintain good health and walk the walk about her animal rights advocacy. Her diet is purely vegan, which means totally excluding dairy and egg products out of her meals. She couples her diet with regular exercise and yoga to strengthen her flexibility and overall health. Needless to say, Avril Lavigne goes for clean and healthy living.
Another vegan celebrity is Natalie Portman. She has been praised by happycow.net for going vegetarian. Happycow.com, a site that celebrates vegan celebrities, they posted a very good discussion about Natalie.
“Well, Natalie is an attractive young woman. She is also a talented actress, however there are many attractive talented actresses, are there not? So what is special about Natalie Portman. To start with she was born in Jerusalem, one of my favorite cities. But most importantly, she is a conscious human. Yes, Natalie is a vegan and you can't get much more special than that! Natalie, you are a special human on this wonderful planet!”
Most of these vegan celebrities are going on the green diet because they want to protect animal rights, but that does not mean that those who do not choose this vegetarian lifestyle do not give a dime about PETA’s advocacy. Mark Hoppus, although not vegetarian, still got a nod from PETA due to a Twitter message that totally shouts animal rights advocacy.
MarkHoppus: I’m doing a photo shoot this week & paying nearly $1000 for a movie prop octopus do a real one doesn’t have to die. do I get an award?
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